Máscaras Feminino

Nowadays, in our modern society, enhancing or altering one’s natural appearance is not unheard of. Changing physical features of oneself is considered by some as a form of self development. Some people also do this just because they are free to do so, and others for fun or pleasure. One rather unusual form of altering one’s look is by female masking. Female masking is an act of wearing a mask that would copy a woman’s facial features.

On a side note, this type of masks is similar to the masks featured by characters in Hollywood science-fiction movies such as Face Off, Mission Impossible and the like, wherein characters are disguised using a rubber face mask. There are some scenes in these films in which the actor reveals the true identity of his character. These kind of masks were featured in those scenes when actors removed masks from their faces.


Back to female masks, these types of masks are made by casting them from real woman models. Some of the masks are designed to just cover the head, while there are other masks that are designed to cover the head down to the wearer’s neck. Female masks are usually made from latex. Latex is the typical material used for this type of mask because of its flexibility and softness. They are created to fit comfortably to one’s head, allowing the wearer to easily put the masks over the head by gently stretching them. Apart from its ease of use, they are also easy to acquire because masks made from latex are relatively inexpensive. Additionally, latex material has the ability to properly copy the human skin so it won’t look like it is just a mask. On top of that, latex material is flexible enough that the wearer can easily change the color tone of the mask to match that of his or her skin tone.

Aside from latex material, there is of course an alternative resource if you have loads of budget for it. When money is not an issue, then you can also opt to choose masks which are made from silicone. This type of mask is more comparable to a human skin than that of latex, however, obviously, it is way more expensive. Masks made from silicone are priced highly because the material itself is pricey and it is difficult to work with.

Another option could be a mask made from a gelatin material. Using a gelatin is a lot easier than silicone, however, this kind of material is not long-lasting and it is more fragile than masks made from either latex or silicone.

After purchasing your female mask, it’s up to you if you’d like to enhance it even further by putting a makeup on it and adding some accessories such as glasses to accentuate the eyes. You may also want to buy yourself a wig because usually these female masks are bald. And lastly, you may want to buy a high-neck top, especially when the mask you chose to purchase just covers your head.

Examples of female masks may be found here: http://www.realistic-masks.com/gb/realistic-masks/female-latex-masks.html

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2 Responses to Máscaras Feminino

  1. edwin62 says:

    Dit ziet er te gek uit, is dit silicone of latex.
    ik zou dit wel voor mezelf willen deze look, hoe verkrijg ik dit?

  2. francinete says:

    ola gostaria de saber quanto custa essa mascara sou brasileira e vc faz mascara do modelo q agente quizer tipo se eu mandar uma foto de uma pessoa vc faz igual brigado agradeço de ja

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